God only made so many perfect people, the rest he made right-handed.
Carn -
I am painfully left-handed. Up until 5 years ago, my right hand was useful in typing, holding trays, and balance. Since then, I have taught myself to do virtually everything with my right hand, as well. The first thing I learned was to pistol shoot with my right hand. I am right-eye dominant, so it has improved my accuracy tremendously. I don't shoot rifles much, so I still have a tendency to pick up a rifle left-handed. Someone made mention that the government should issue "left-handed" rifles to the perfect people. This is a bad idea. If you are in a fire fight and your weapon jams, it would be a shame that you were the only perfect person in your platoon!
Did you know that the average life span of a perfect person is less than that of a right-handed person!? Don't ask me why!