Originally Posted by chriswin8
Well all in all the mother (Trisha) is not a bad person, or at the least I never thought so. She was really depressed after I broke it off. I mean enough that i was worried she would do something. Then i didnt hear from her for a week and then i get a call from CPS asking me to take the kids because she had a break down and tried to hirt herself. I still don't know the whole story.
At the moment she is in a mential hospital getting help. She is there as long as the Dr's want to keep her I guess. She is not to see the kids till she gets out, then she is to have supervised visatation 3 times a week for 2 hours a day. And that lasts as long as CPS feels she is not fit to have them. That was all set by the CPS and the judge, she nor i have anything to do with it.
I mean i feel bad becasue i kinda put her there (by breaking it off) if you think about it. I mean if i would have forgave her none of this would have happened. I don't want to be hirt by her anymore, i do kinda still love her, and i feel that the girls still need there mother. Or is that a wrong assumption.
So the kids are for the most part squared away. But what do I do about Trisha
And don't worry I am not the type of person that would speak ill of someone out of spite. That just seems wrong to me somehow.
People are responsable for their own reactions to what happens in their life.
I stand marginally behind that statment when it pertains to your case simply because you do not deserve any of the responsability for the actiosn of this woman. She has broken your trust before.
You sound like a person who knows where they stand and is STABLE. I agree with thos ebefore. At their age that is the MOST important thing for those two little girls. To find someone they can trust in.
What I am tyring to say is that you don't have to do anything for Trisha. You are not obligated to for any reason.