Help me resolve this IRQ conflict
I'm trying to install an M-Audio UNO 1x1 USB MIDI interface to run MIDI in from my keyboard to my laptop. My MIDI host on my laptop will hear a second or so of input, then freeze up. If I don't hit any keys on the laptop for a couple seconds, I can get a few more notes through until it freezes up again. Lather, rinse, repeat. I get the same behavior in the (excellent!) MIDI diagnostic tool MIXI-OX.
I called up M-Audio, who had me look at my IRQ assignments. They're saying it's IRQ conflicts between my USB hosts and other things (most notably, the guy said, the video card) that's causing this problem. He says they see this all the time, especially with heavily-OEM'd laptops like my Toshiba.
Here's the IRQ list:
<img src="">
I've never had to deal with IRQs before. Any suggestions before I dive elbow-deep into the BIOS and start assigning IRQ slots willy nilly?