Yeah, where'd the OP go on this one, anyway? talk about resurrecting a thread from the dead..
And Sage, I love what you said here, even if it was almost a year ago!
Originally Posted by Sage
don't postpone joy, i say. that way you won't have to deny the wonderful body that you started out with while slaving away at something unenjoyable. i say the ends wouldn't justify the means at alll
I totally agree... don't postpone joy. I am having a hard time with that right now, seeing as I am in the middle of my PhD and far away from my love. My sex drive is pretty high, but even moreso my emotional drive to be with my ktspktsp

.. Don's right, grad school is really rough on the psyche, but it's no reason to be celibate/single/eat saltpeter. I take all the tiny joys I can get, and try to let them sustain me through the darkness.
/dunno how this fits the thread, but that's what came out of me!