"1.Whatever has a beginning had a cause
2.The universe had a beginning
3.Therefore, the universe had a cause "
Okay, A is equal to B and so B is equal to A... Thus god must also have a beginning.
"God is eternal and uncreated and doesn't need a cause." Self defeating of previous quote. Because it shows that there are exceptions to that rule.
"If this were not so we would have to search for God's cause- and so on and so on into infinity. " I though that humans were not suppose to understand gods meaing or cause..... so he doesn't have a cause? I'm sorry so he 'creates' a universe just for shits and giggles? That seems to have some form of cause.
"This cause we call "God". The first cause of all that exists must be eternal and uncreated in order to have the power to start everything else, including the universe."
In algabra we learn that we can use A or B to represent something now god can represent the big bang, I'll give that it is easyer to type but still is seems to misconstru the subject.
"The universe had a beginning. Several years ago, many scientists believed the universe was eternal, with no beginning. In the 20th century Scientists discovered new information that indicates the universe must have a beginning. First, by 1927, astronomer Edwin Hubble shocked the scientific community by discovering the expaning movements of our galaxy and beyond. Hubble found that galaxies were moving away from us at high speeds. This explansion is similar to a bomb exploding. This discovery was called the "Expanding Universe," it caused some scientists to change their view from an eternal universe ro one that must have a beginning. If you were to reverse the expansion, you would arrive back to a point of beginning beyond which there was nothing."
Now if the universe is expanding, like it's a huge fireball that got ignited and then must collapse.... Then this seems to be a bit similar to the big bang... no god there just a packed space exploding.
"If the universe had a beginning it must have a cause. "
Yes, the cause doesn't have to be a supreme being.
"The law of "Thermodynamics."" What law of thermodynamics? One of them says that the entropy of the universe is alwasy increaseing. Even if Earth is running out of fossil fules, it doesn't mean the universe is looseing entropy.
"2. Self-caused: Imposable beacuse somehting can't create itself. The universe would exist prior to it existing. "
I think the underline sums it all up. God can't be to blame because he can't cause him self so he is thus as plossiable as anything else, or it just is a hoax.
"Do you see any major flaws with her logic?"
Quite a few.
Forgive the spelling, I'm a bit out of it right now, I'll try to clean it up later.