While the concious is often confused; the subconcious knows exactly what it wants. So go deeper than the rational. Give her options to act on impulse. - just some mumbojumbo to mess with your head.
The general rule is to always work with people instead of against them. I agree, this girl is confused. However she clearly has apprehensions about getting into a relationship. Yet she shows sings of intrest and flirtation. So maybe she is not all that confused, hmm. Instead of trying to convince her into a relationship why don't you work with what you have. You realize that you don't have to be "going steady" in order to kiss someone, right? After you make your first few moves (kissing, some making out) then she might be more receptive to dating. Just a though.
You guys flirting steadily I hope. How is that going anyways?
Wait! There is a new repply...what's this,
I asked my good friend and he said that confronting her again, like I did last time, is a good thing. I just gotta do it smooth this time, no hiccups and awkward silences. And when she says "I don't know", I need to probe more into her reply, not just bounce off and fire more questions. And, he says that I should feel for a right, comfortable time to ask/launch into this deeper conversation; it could be next time we hang out, or in a week; I just gotta feel the right time out myself.

WHOA!!!!? Have we learned nothing?
*Mantus gets up and storms out the door*