11-30-2005, 07:44 PM
#1 (permalink)
Proof that god created the universe
Proof of God?
The first-cause proof: God must be the first cause of the world:
How did the universe get here? Did it always exist? Was it out here by someone or something else? The first-cause proof seeks to show that the universe is not eternal, nor could it have arrived here under it's own power. Someone or something must have arrived here under it's own power.
Where is the reasoning for stating that someone or something must have arrived here under its own power, why? If someone or something can arrive under its own power, why can’t the universe? Because the universe had a beginning according to the expanding universe theory. If something has a beginning, it has to have a cause. Couldn’t that cause be its own power?
Someone or something must have cased it to exist. (Genesis 1:1) The logic behind this proof can be stated in three statements:
1.Whatever has a beginning had a cause
2.The universe had a beginning
3.Therefore, the universe had a cause
Whatever had a beginning had a cause-things don't come into existence by themselfs. They must be caused by something.
In science the law for this concept is called the "Principle of Causality." It says that every effect must have a cause. Can you think of anything that poped from absolutly nothing? "Nothing comes from nothing."
God is eternal and uncreated and doesn't need a cause. If this were not so we would have to search for God's cause- and so on and so on into infinity. Never reaching the beginning. If this is true, there must be a cause in the past that doesn't need a cause. This cause we call "God". The first cause of all that exists must be eternal and uncreated in order to have the power to start everything else, including the universe.
The universe had a beginning. Several years ago, many scientists believed the universe was eternal, with no beginning. In the 20th century Scientists discovered new information that indicates the universe must have a beginning. First, by 1927, astronomer Edwin Hubble shocked the scientific community by discovering the expaning movements of our galaxy and beyond. Hubble found that galaxies were moving away from us at high speeds. This explansion is similar to a bomb exploding. This discovery was called the "Expanding Universe," it caused some scientists to change their view from an eternal universe ro one that must have a beginning. If you were to reverse the expansion, you would arrive back to a point of beginning beyond which there was nothing.
Second, mordern scientists are favoring a model of origins called "The Big Bang." It suggest a beginning in our universe. (Genesis 1:1) If the universe had a beginning it must have a cause.
Third, A proof that points to a beginning is the wearing down and running out of usable energy. Our universe is growing old. The law of "Thermodynamics." If the universe is unwinding, it must have been wound up at one point in time in the past. The world wouldn't be running out of energy unless it was first filled up in the past. The universe was either:
1. Uncaused: No, this violates the Principle of Causality
2. Self-caused: Imposable beacuse somehting can't create itself. The universe would exist prior to it existing.
3.Caused by something or someonelse:Yes, it is the only reasonable explanation and is consistent with the principle of causality. It's more reasonable to believe the existence came from nothing by someone then nothing by nothing. (Hebrews 11:3)
This was posted by a friend of mine, I want to know what you guys thought about it. She makes some interesting points, what do you think? Do you see any major flaws with her logic?