Originally Posted by -Ever-
Thanks for showing interest Marvelous Marv.
See, I hate regrets and didn't want to walk away from this situation knowing that I could maybe have done more to fix it even though it's at risk of getting me even more hurt. I've decided that she's well worth this risk though and I'm now at a type of ease knowing that I did all I could to make things right. The hard part is that I feel like I'm so close from getting her back..
I've read the entire thread, and to be quite frank, you're in for some rough times, but you'll be fine. Emotions arent as easy as a flip of the switch and it seems your affections for this girl aren't burning out anytime soon.
I do commend your will to avoid 'what if's' And I guess in the end, all that matters is that you tried your ass off to make it work, and her lack of reciprocation (if any) is nothing you can blame yourself for. You might've made a mistake with the whole wedding thing, but if you tried your damndest to make the best of that situation and to correct it, what else could you have done, really?
Head up...you aren't alone, trust me.