Originally Posted by xepherys
I'm sorry, should I produce a small paper on this topic? (snip)
Again, I wasn't aware that one needed a source to make an argument.
Sorry, but if you're gonna spout claims, you need to be prepared to back them up. I can make stuff up too, but that won't help me win a debate.
Well, your interpretation is different than mine. If I had said blue and meant midnight blue, but you assumed baby blue... that was your interpretation... and neither of us are at any greater fault. Hence I clarified my statements. Don't be sorry... I'm not. *shrug*
Ass kicking is to spanking as a cold is to flu. They're both related, but one's a helluva lot worse than the other.
BTW, does anyone here watch TV? Ever see "That 70's Show"? Red talks about putting his boot up eric's ass all the time, and I've yet to hear even the MOST left wing PC advocate say that the show advocated child abuse. I think the wording is fairly common practice.
And Red is portrayed as a genuine grade-A asshole. What's your point?