I have seen many abuses of the system. I have also seen many people who legitimately needed the system and it helped them get back on their feet. - We are one example.
Hubby had a severe accident 4 years ago. We did have health insurance that covered a lot. The total hospital bills (not sutracting what insurance paid) were over $50,000. The helicopter ride alone was over $12,000 and the two ambulances were expensive too. In fact the heart monitor patches they used on the ambulance were $20 a piece. Hubby was not allowed to drive or go back to work for 3 months. When he was finally able to get back to work his employer laid him off because they did not need him anymore. So we went another 3 months and an expensive relocation in order for him to find work. During that time we had no choice but to use our credit card for gas and minimal groceries. I was working but it wasn't enough to do more than pay rent and utilities. We had an infant at the time as well. The time out of work, plus the MANY unexpected bills were more than we could handle.
At this point, in four years, we've worked hard, finally saved, bought a house, and paid off all our bills. We don't even own a credit card and we only have the mortgage. When we need stuff we save for it. We still have homeowners insurance and health insurance. BUT even with both of us working we are not able to earn enough to handle the increase in heating costs without draining the savings that we hope to pay our property TAXES with. BTW our property taxes (not prime land either by a long shot) for 1/4 of an acre are over $1300/year. We paid less than $50,000 for our home btw.
I have an education and am self employed (when business is good I can bring in more than hubby in a week) and hubby has a steady job that he's worked at for more than 3 years even though he doesn't like his boss much. We work. The last time we went for a vacation was over 6 years ago when he and I got married. The last time we stayed in a hotel it was because we'd been given a gift certificate for a stay at the SUPER 8. Yeah we're livin high off the government. Whohoo. (Oh and before you say that we much have spent money on the computer that we've got - I got my monitor out of the dumpster when we were living at apartments, and hubby put the rest of the computer together, some were scavanged parts - some of which came from the junk heap of electronics that a college I worked for was dumping out.) My best winter coat I got on clearance at Walmart for $5 last spring. The clothes I"m wearing now I've gotten from the thrift store. Tell me where I'm wasting the money, making bad decisions, or USING the government? I fail to see it.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.
Last edited by raeanna74; 11-30-2005 at 04:16 PM..