Ok, here we go.

This is the entrance elevator, but it isn't the way to get in anymore.

Here is the group that went this time. From left to right: Chris (my friend), Steve (Chris' brother and also my friend), Sam (Steve's girlfriend), Dave (my friend), Delilah (Dave's sister), Myself, Daniel Jr. (Dave's nephew and also my friend), and Damion (Daniel Jr.'s brother). Even though none of these pictures are sexual in any nature what so ever, and no court would ever convict Halx, I have blacked out the minors to keep with TFP policy.

The best way to enter the site now. There is another way in, but it involves climbing down a ladder for about eighty feet.

Some kind of fuel tank just inside the entrance.

Inside the fuel tank. You can see it is very long, as the flash couldn't capture the back wall. Note: I did not climb inside, merely stuck the camera in and snapped a couple shots.

Bottom of the fuel tank. Cans and an old rubber glove inside.

A long dead animal. We reached a concensus that it is probably the corpse of a badger.

The bottom of a ventilation shaft. If one fell in, it would be a) very painful and b) difficult to climb back out. It's about 12-15 feet down.

The top of the same vent shaft, a good 30 feet above.

A ladder into nowhere. One has to wonder what exactly they filled in with all this earth.

To the right is the way we came in, to the left is the fuel tank, behind me is the badger corpse and the vent shaft, and ahead lies the rest of the complex.

That hall eventually comes out into this. It's a nice twenty foot fall into pain if you slip through a hole in the catwalk. You do have to go down to get to the actual silos.

The makeshift bridge someone made to help going over the beams. It is pretty damn scary to cross over, especially the first time you do it.

One of the many gaps in the catwalk with a good view of the bottom. I also think the way the camera captured the blue light from the flashlight is pretty cool.

A row of hoppers, most likely to collect dust from the ventilation system.

The very steep stairs going down.

And I do mean steep.

What you have to look forward to landing on if you fall from the catwalk.

Yep, sure looks like a cushy spot to hit, don't you think.

Or perhaps you miss the first level and plummet an extra five to ten feet into a crack filled with water.

A hole filled with oily water. The water is about five feet deep.

Sam found some fake roses. Pretty weird.

I was trying to take a picture of this door from the other side when my camera died the last time. It leads from the painful spikey room into...

The hallway with the creepy table, which is just barely visible in the darkness. To the right are those fuel containers with the yellow graffiti that I took pictures of last time. The first left is to the access elevator, while the second leads down the long hall that featured in the first series. Straight ahead lies the "barracks". To the right of the table is the hall leading to the main silos.

Blast door to the elevator.

The elevator motor.

The elevator shaft. About fifty or sixty feet up to the surface.
Ok, that's enough for now. I still have another 170 or so pictures to browse through, including pictures of the silos, the raft, and the nest. I'll put them up later.