Originally Posted by xepherys
Knowledge is always good, even if we don't give 100% credit to the source all the time.
Originally Posted by xepherys
At any rate, I have a fairly extreme fear of heights, and also have claustrophobia pretty badly. I don't even generally like wearing a baseball cap because it limits my range of vision. Drives me nuts! Cars I can deal with, but the CAT scan thing... man, I'd be clawing at the walls after a few minutes. I'm pretty good at meditation and relaxation, but I don't know that I'd be able to control it under such a critical situation. Even thinking about it spikes my heartrate. Heights are the same way for me. I need some feeling of security. I can fly in an airplane and look down and think it's cool because I feel safe. However, being on a cliff (even back a ways) with a railing and a tether get me a bit upset. Needless to say, Basic Training had some difficult moments.
I can only imagine. It's ijnteresting that you feel safe in planes. I wonder if that has anything to do with your military training. Were you required to log long hours in planes or simulators? You don't have to answer, btw, I'm just curious.
I was slowly able to overcome my claustophobic tendencies by exposing myslef to enclosed situations, but the general psychological community frowns on that as cruel. I would never ask anyone to do that to themselves if they weren't ready. Just wanted to make that clear.