Originally Posted by Ustwo
And because you paid taxes you are owed money now? There is a never ending black hole forming right there. I think we all pay to damn much in taxes, and a large part of it is so we can pay for others bad choices.
I agree mostly. But I find it hard to get too down on the lower and middle class for taking advantage of the system when the wealthy and politically connected are scarfing up the lion's share. I know two wrongs don't make a right but...
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Well when the economy was in a downturn I did feel the pinch, and now that things are in an upturn its getting better again, but so what? Even if braces were outlawed you would not find me on welfare. I've worked damn hard in my life and would continue to do so. I've done ever job from mucking horse stalls (thats shoveling shit for you city folk) to surgery and I think I can find a place in-between for me.
I have also done my share of mucking horse stalls and construction laboring, etc.. and worked my way up to a high salary engineering profession. However at age 53 I was downsized and it is very difficult to find work once you reach a certain age. I think there may be something at McDonald's or Walmart but I haven't tried. We are fortunate to have invested enough to retire early but I know several who are not fairing so well and have had their savings wiped out from medical expenses, etc..even though they had insurance. I believe there are many out there who are not doing so well and not necessarily because they made bad choices..