Originally Posted by Martian
Feel free to walk her home, like I said, but don't try to start anything. You do not want to put her on the spot. Remember, this is all new and very confusing to her and you need to let her figure things out on her own.
Hi Martian,
Heh, I did walk her home tonight after dinner. When I reached for the building door to keep it open, she thought I was 'reaching out for a high-5 or something and we had a high-5 / 1 second hand hold. Then we laughed it off. I hope that's a good sign
Originally Posted by Martian
I don't really like the advice your friends gave you, because if you take the 'let's be friends' approach, that's all you'll be. Don't let the relationship aspect go by the wayside. And remember that you should never get too wrapped up in a girl that you can't consider not dating her. You don't want to set yourself up for heartbreak if it doesn't work out. Things are way too up in the air right now for you to commit. After that first kiss when you're sure she's yours, then you can go ahead and fall for her, but don't let yourself just yet.
I like your warning. Yes, saying things the way I said them, I guess I *AM* setting myself up for a high fall if she turns out to be "just a friend" or if things don't work out.
I think she's set (ie ready and stable enough) for small hints of romance (ie roses), but not like all-out deep questioning like my major fuck-up before. So... I think I will try this way. But this is definitely a take-it-slow-girl, so I think I will only start on this romancing-hint stuff next semester after winter break.