Originally Posted by iblade
I am against you meeting her casually. Again, you are not assertive enough. My point would be to retreat for some time (1/2 weeks maybe more), but not to ignore her. Just be more distant. Go out with other girls. Tell her about it. She will then realize that she misses you (or not) and that is when you should make a clear move. Invite her to dinner (but don't pay!).
Hi iblade,
I see what you mean. But, given her seemingly high interest level in me, I just don't want to risk alienating her by playing games such as making her miss me... I mean, that's natural enough if it happens.. hmm. I'll give it some thought. Thanks!
Regarding the don't pay for dinner thing; yep, I won't. I'm thinking, though, if its a nice big formal date where we make plans days in advance, I should probably pay for it...