I'm really glad that you guys can take some time out of your lives to help a fellow brother out. You don't know how much comfort, and guidance, your advice is giving me now. For that I'm very grateful. (ok dont want to get too mushy...)
So tonight I had a late dinner, and called her up and asked if she wanted to keep me company as I ate. I said 'yes or no' and she agreed
So it *is* getting close to finals and she was studying, yet she agreed to take time out on a Tuesday night. Yay.
So we had a great conversation as I ate, I mean, it wasn't anything tremendously deep (I don't want to fuck up again, as I'm *horrible* at deep conversations with girls). But it was fun and light, and not awkward at all. And she wasn't in any rush to leave, or anything.
Soooooo, I think it's slowly being fixed

Of course, I have to keep trying harder, but she's given me a 2nd chance and hopefully it will work out.
Definitely the ideas that both you guys have suggested will come in handy; don't put her *sooo* high that I am 'nothing', and don't get too pushy but definitely make sure I'm still there romantically. I'll try the coffee+rose idea when I feel the time is ripe; right now is too early I think, just after I fucked up with that deep question stuff.
Oh, she can't take alot of caffeine at all. Even tea would give her jitters... I guess its umm, a hot chocolate then