Candida Cleanse is a great product you can find at health stores, too. It's a natural concoction to fight yeast. I had systemic yeast for 4 years. Monthly outbreaks down below and major thrush with dental visits, when I bit my cheek and whatnot. They even figured out that I had Candida in my sinus cavities. THAT was fun. They tried everything from daily OTC and rx creams for 14 days at a time and even four rounds of Diflucan for 14 days each. I finally beat it with a combination of yogurt (at least one container a day), aloe vera juice (for the good flora), Candida Cleanse, and daily chewable acidophilus tablets. Hadn't had an infection for several years from being proactive as soon as I thought I was getting sick and might possibly need an antibiotic.
I got a really severe infection last year after two weeks of daily sex. It wouldn't clear up until I finally made my SO eat yogurt and treat himself. He was reinfecting me. My GYN told me to use an internal OTC cream ( I used Monistat) and have sex. It worked like a charm. Good luck, sweetie, it sucks. Try looking at The Yeast Connection and The Yeast Connection Cookbook. They both had good ideas for changing my diet.
Here's how life works: you either get to ask for an apology or you get to shoot people. Not both. House
Originally Posted by Plan9
Just realize that you're armed with smart but heavily outnumbered.
The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. Ayn Rand