Both my aunt (mom's sister) and my uncle (dad's brother) work for different prison systems. My uncle, as a director of facilities, says that this is an issue they are facing right now in addressing prison populations. For years, they have been treating women as if they were less violent versions of male offenders. However, experience and psychology show that this is not true. Female offenders need different things from the prison system than male offenders do. Female prison populations also function differently socially. My aunt, who is a boot camp director, says the same thing. The same should be assumed of defendants in court; women are different than men. That is a fundamental truth we cannot ignore. In the interest of "equality" women like to make it seem as if we're similar to men, but the fact is that there are significant differences between the genders/sexes, psychologically and physically, and we should take those into account when trying people.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau