I had to go to a gynocological infection specialist for recurring infections and these are some of the things I had to do to keep the infections to a minimum.
1) cut sugars and refined foods. Use fresh, not canned as much as possible. The reasons for this were that the body's natural bacterias feed on sugars and multiply. Cutting back on processed foods, sugars and any food with yeast will cut the bacteria's growth. It's sort of a diabetic's diet.
2) steer clear of antibiotics. They kill good AND bad bacteria. The sugars and yeasts in our diet then encourage the worst of them to grow.
3) Drink lots of water and cranberry juice, no sugar added.
This last hint comes from a friend plagued with constant UTI's and her doctor told her this one: During foreplay and sex, don't allow your partner near your anus first then proceed to your vagina-even the slightest intestinal bacteria can cause these infections. (I live by the use of moistened wipes, myself )
Since my doctor insisted I steer clear of yeasts, sugars and canned products, taking a yeast pill might not be the best thing to do. He also had me use peroxide douches couple of times a week for the first 3 or 4 weeks-1 tablespoon of peroxide to a cup of water.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.