Originally Posted by Sticky
With Martin and Harper still in place we will be here for a while.
I agree with you when you say Harper but not Martin. He does appeal to BOTH Conservatives (of the PC sort) and Liberals.
The adscam mess isn't his, he just has to bear the brunt of the nations ire about it...
I think without the pall of adscam hanging over the last election, Martin would have cruised to a majority. As for this election, the scandal has been further exposed and confirmed with finality.
Two things I was thinking about over lunch:
1) Voter in BC and Ontario are in such a hurry to NOT vote Liberal that they split the vote between C and NDP and we end up with a Liberal majority...
2) Isn't it amazing that our government fell last night... and people aren't dying in the streets? Think about it for a moment.