Mmm...from the worst greeter to one of the best. I liked that the Weavers took a shot at the Mormons, um, at least I think they did, but they still managed to be unfunny while doing so. I know I couldn't go three feet through Utah without taking some Mormon shots. It's almost like they were trying to go as slow as possible on this leg. Then more encouragment from Dr. Phil; really, Phil, that isn't necessary, this is reality TV not talk about our feelings psychiatry hour.
While watching some of the old seasons, I've realized there's one thing about this season that's definitely an improvement: no more taxicabs. Those things are awful for a lot of reasons, first the competition, teams really are at the mercy of their drivers and sheer luck to get one who gets them where they're going quickly. Second because it's annoying to hear the teams bitch and moan constantly about their drivers and do the ugly American thing by trying to get them to go faster all the time.
What really made me think of this was Hayden in season 6, I can't stand her, she's as bad as Flo, constantly whining about everything and bitching at Aaron, who's just taking it easy, to do something about it. At least Flo didn't constantly bitch AT Zach though she did do a lot of bitching in general, and at least her whiny voice was sexy.

The cab delays aren't a big deal when there are still a lot of teams in the race, but I think for the last few critical legs they should give teams their own vehicles so the outcome isn't so much determined by their luck with drivers.