Originally Posted by Ustwo
Until a couple of years ago I was a full time (read poor) student and my wife was a secretary.
We had this revolutionary concept called not living above your means we applied to ourselves.
That equated to crappy cars, no expensive vacations, a moderate appartment, and holding off on starting a family. We weren't perfect with it, and we did start to get a bit of creditcard debt, but oddly the bills were paid and we saved enough of our budget for sudden and unexpected expenses. We also were not working THAT hard, and could have easily held other jobs if we really wanted to.
My sympathy here is nil. Get a freeking job, life owes you nothing.
my wife and I have the same spend philosphy. No credit bill ever rolls over. We actually save for and purchase cars using cash. This meant that our first car was an '82 chevette, followed by a '79 Lebaron. But we forced ourselves to save until we had the dough to by the 97 jetta outright. Now we are closing in on the savings for an '05 CRV. No vacations for us either. 3 kids, and small driving trips (drove us in the Jetta to PEI last summer) but the house is paid for now. and there is no real debt burden. We both just worked and saved.