Zzzzzzzz......roachboy, yer posts are toooo long....
ustwo.....nice lookin' babe....who is she ???
Elphaba...truthout = guerilla op-ed...so... everything from that site.....(did I mention "toooo long?) from Maureen Dowd to Ray McGovern is not worthy of even a fact check. Maybe...if an article that you post is still linked to the premium site where it first appeared, and where only subscribers can see it.... instead of being linked to truthout, where you get it.....it might be worth reading.....but then I couldn't read it....cuz I don't subscribe.....but once it's linked from truthout....it's lost all credibility....so we'll never seriously consider it...once it comes from truthout...it's ruined <b>!</b>
roachboy.....'member you posted something about "tiny"??? That was a good one...and it was short, too!
In edit.....Laura Ingram, huh ? She's hot <b>!</b>
ustwo...whaddya think a recap of yer last dozen posts in these threads would look like? Same as always......<b>?</b>
Last edited by host; 11-27-2005 at 11:10 PM..