Originally Posted by Kostya
Apply to Mrs Parks also?
I for one do not think that it does. Why do I not think this? Because I think that law is unjust, Mrs Parks knew that it was a crime, knew she might be punished, but did it anyhow. I can't say Mr. Ngyuen is a civil rights crusader, but his commital of a crime does not necessarily mean that he deserves to 'do the time'.
I'm pretty sure she wasn't facing a death penalty for her "crimes", nor was he doing it as a protest. Ngyuen carried a lot of illegal drugs into a country where the laws are such that trafficking is punishable by death. The only comparison is that both did what they did knowing the possible consequences.
Have you ever thought they (the government) have a death penalty because they really really really want to stop drug traffickers? Maybe they decided that 15 years in gaol/life in gaol was not enough disincentive.
I do feel sorry that anyone has to die, but I really understand the need for
some punishment.