Originally Posted by Mantus
That sounds like a great date alright!
Hows the situation feeling to you? Are your personalities matching up well? Are you making any headway with intimacy?
Have fun on the next date 
I'm feeling great with the situation. My past relationships moved pretty quick and they all lived on campus (at school) so seeing them wasn't a problem. Now that I'm dating someone that lives off campus its a little different and a little slower, but I actually like it. I'm just taking things as they come right now and enjoying life. Our personalities are matching up very well in fact. Conversation never seems to be dull and we like to joke around a lot. Overall things are going very well. Headway towards intimacy is being made. I think right now we're still getting to know each other and the intimacy stuff will come with time, but probably in the near future. Right now though thats not my focus. I'm just having a great time with her and when that stuff comes around it will be all gravy.
Originally Posted by Bob Biter
Textbook, man. Pure textbook! Things are progressing smoothly, not too quickly, and she seems completely comfortable. Kudos, BigDonkey2!
Couldn't have said it better myself. Progress is being made, but not too fast and she is very comfortable. You hit the nail on the head my friend.