Originally Posted by Plaid13
But i wouldnt spend the money for the top of the line one ever. get a step down from the best and save yourself $100 or so.
Yeah, this is my philosophy as well. Top of the line inevitably drops to middle of the pack in 6 months anyway, so I won't be paying $550 for a 7800GTX 512mb card. I'll probably go SLI motherboard and fill it with one 6800GS for now, and another 6800GS in a few months. It's strange, some games seem to be CPU-intensive (but not GPU-intensive), while others are GPU-intensive (but not CPU-intensive). DirectX/OpenGL issues perhaps.
I'll get a proper PS, nothing fancy. I've seen reliable name brands down around $60-70 with enough juice to power a 2-card system.
Still undecided about the CPU, but leaning towards a middle of the road CPU (3200+ seems about right). But, I understand the dual-cores are very nice for fast DVD ripping/encoding, which would be a plus for me. Still thinking about it.
Thanks again, gentlemen.