Cheating is cheating no matter what. The choice lies with the person who does the cheating, but you can look at what caused the person to cheat. Perhaps lack of attention, no desire, etc.
I've never cheated, but was close, and choose not to. After our 4th was born, I had been working 2 jobs (well for at least 4 years of working 2 jobs). But even before that, my wife had shown little to no attention to me, even though I was working 65 - 70 hrs a week. I thought looking for some sex was the answer, no strings attached sex. My wife wouldn't have ever known if I did, working the long hrs I did, she wouldn't have even guessed. She didn't appreciate what I was doing, nor even care that I wanted to make love with her, so I thought looking for casual sex was the answer. But in reality, it wasn't. Getting closer with my wife, and telling her who I was feeling was the answer, and she understood. I have never mentioned that I thought about it.
So in a nut shell, it's not the partner that causes you to cheat, it's the cheater that makes the decision to do it.