Originally Posted by Daval
The funniest thing I found about Raif is that he is a wilderness guide, yet he claimed in an earlier episode to have a poor sense of direction and gets lost often. He also doesnt seem to be that indespensible in camp.
If I was a wilderness guide and knew I was going to be on survivor, I would read up bigtime on survival in various areas, what is edible, what isnt, how to catch fish, how to trap small animals, etc. etc. Hell, I'd do all that regardless.
I agree, but you can't count him out. He has won the last 2 or 3 challenges hasnt he? I would not be surprised to see him the final 2. Even though he has won these past couple of immunities, he does not appear to be a threat at all. He is going to squeak his way into the final 2 I bet.