Some newer games are getting more and more CPU intensive so i wouldnt suggest cutting back on the cpu anymore. I know day of defeat source is very cpu intensive and your framerate will suck with a low end processor. I would say spend about $200-250 on a processor. the top end ones are never worth the extra money. As far as motherboards go i would get a gigabyte very good buy for the money. i have been using them for the last 6 years and have never had any trouble at all. I would get pci express for sure just so you know you can upgrade for a while. With video cards i dunno what to suggest everyone has a diffrent opionon on them some swear by one while others swear by another. some do better with some games others with other games. But i wouldnt spend the money for the top of the line one ever. get a step down from the best and save yourself $100 or so.