I don't think that's accurate at all.
All three opposition leaders wanted to see the laws that are on the table right now get through Parliament... the most important of which was the energy rebate for low income people. There are a few more laws that will die on the books because we couldn't compromise and get three more weeks out of December.
In the end, the house will fall on Tuesday which is the fastest anyone could have brought down the house. There were no, confidence motions available prior to that. Martin would have had this much time anyway... you can't blame his actions on Layton
Does calling Layton Wacky actually make you feel better and is it really necessary? If anything he has been more statesman like than either Harper (the Liberals are in Bed with organized crime) or Martin (What me, worry?). He has done more to make this Parliament work than most.
I don't really want to see an NDP government but I would love it if they held around 50 seats and held the true balance of power.
For Harper to win this election, he needs to come out and say, "If you give us the balance of power we can work with NDP. It will send a clear message to Canadians that he will not try to push his Social Conservative adenda through. It would win him a lot more seats in Ontario which is where he needs to gain about 15 seats to take the balance of power.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke