Originally Posted by Gilda
If there are no rules or scripts, how do I know what I'm supposed to do? What am I supposed to learn from interacting and making mistakes, if not the rules for how to interact without messing it up?
Let's not worry about that just now.
Instead, can you see that if there are no rules or scripts, you're totally free? That also means there are no consequences for "messing it up". You're free to color outside the lines--just like you did with that little girl you posted about. Can you see that, if you could stand there, you wouldn't need to worry about what you're "supposed to do"?
You should ONLY think about that if you're interested in not being stiff and boring with other people. The rules make you stiff and boring. The rules were made up by that mind of yours, the one that wants you staying at Point A, where it's nice and safe and comfortable, even though you're trapped and miserable a lot of the time. The rules ARE Point A, and that mind is NOT your friend.
This is worth noting: where you are is no fun, right? Yet it's way safer and more comfortable than shifting to anything else. AND it's perfectly all right to stay right where you are--nobody's going to make you change. Hell, nobody COULD ever make you change even if they wanted to.
Somewhere, there's a conscious choice waiting for you to make it. A choice to get out beyond how you know yourself and other people and the world, or to BE the introvert you are for yourself. A choice between giving up everything you think you know in exchange for what might be possible if you gave it up, OR staying exactly where you are, comfortable in the knowledge that you "are" shy, and accepting all the negative stuff that comes with that. In short, a choice between freedom and safety.
Either one is fine, once you choose it. All that's going on here is, either you haven't made that choice yet, or you have, and you're not telling the truth to yourself about it.