Well, I guess the answer the my question is yes...
It looks like we will have an election sometime near the end of December. Harper put a motion of non-confidence forward in the house yesterday and it was seconded by Layton. The vote will be held early next week.
I honestly think this is the right thing to do. After the revelations of the Gomery part one, I don't feel there is any reason to keep the Liberals out of an election.
I am doubly pissed that they are digging their heels in and refusing to take the compromise offered by Layton and supported by the entire opposition to post-pone the election call until January. I think Martin and his strategists think they can earn points blaming the opposition for calling an election during the holidays... Phooey.
This government is toast... they know it, we know it. I think they would have gained more points in taking a consiliatory position. Gomery was damning. The only reason they want to hang on until February, when Gomery part 2 comes out is that it will give them more time to spin in their own favour and more importantly to spend the surplus...
The Liberals are acting like a husband caught cheating... Maybe if I buy the wife a diamond necklace she will forget about my indescretions. Fat chance buddy.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke