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Old 11-25-2005, 07:56 AM   #9 (permalink)
Go Ninja, Go Ninja Go!!
Location: IN, USA
Originally Posted by Dungeon_Shade
I just thought that I would share these with you, as they are entertaining/weird. And they are all true, despite how unreal most of these experiances are.

For some reason, I have the ability to sence "spirits". I am not a religious person, but I have seen too much to discount the "spirit" world. Sometimes, I can feel their presence, and even "see" these things. Usually they are evil demon like creatures.

Most of the time, I just "feel" where one of these spirit things are, and most of the time, it's just a gut level feeling. I get creeped out, etc.

The first time I experienced this was when I moved to my house where i grew up. I always got that something looking at you feeling while I crossed my street. It always made me run across it, and I felt really stupid doing it, wondering what people thought of me as I did it. I would panic.

I found out, that the exact spot I got creeped out at, a kid commited suicide. He was depressed, and blew off his head with a shotgun in the middle of the street. I also got this feeling in my houses laundry room.
Wow, You sound like me.. and thats pretty freakin' neat. Difference is that I am religious. The first part you state that you sense spirits.. a gut feeling. Trying to explain it in another thread I came up "an internal compass" The description I used to say was "an orangy feeling in my stomache" because that weird feeling felt most like that acidic sick feeling I'd get when I'd drink too much concentrated orange juice. But when you get the feeling outta nowhere.. no acids.. yeah. But yeah its like "there! Someone is RIGHT there."

I have a question for you, do you often get cold chills? I mean sure there are days when a cold breeze enter the room and "brr" and you get goose bumps. I call these cold chills because its the closest I can compare them to, and ya gotta compare if you want people to understand.. or attempt to. But its nothing like the wind carressing your skin, its more like a chill across your being. And if so, notice how the feeling is never quite the same? the angle, the direction, the movement, the deepness. So many different points, and chills. I ask only because to me the sensing of spirits near me and those chills just feel like they go together for me. Then again I say I'm empathic to the spirit world.. and if so.. if I can sense someone near me.. I should feel their moods too right?

But of course you might not hvae the empathic part because you can see them, which is something of course that differs between us. I've seen a few demonic creatures, but none with my eyes.. sorta. I've seen them in dreams, and once in my mind... when a hex was supposedly trying to be placed on me by it.. and then once when I opened my mind too much.. but I don't like going there. Maybe I'm like the blind version of you.

I often get that 'feeling' that someone is near me. And yes like you creeps me out. Not so much anymore, but when I was younger (i'm 22, by younger i Mean like 6-9) the feeling made me run the fuck away. I've since accepted it and just ask that they not stand near the bathroom when I'm in there.. as thats just weird. ((I used to always check in the shower when I'd use the restroom.. always felt like something was there, and in my basement yeah I just say to not watch me thats just freakish.))

What's funny is that you state the laundry room.. For the longest fucking amount of time I was scared of dark rooms because of my laundry room. No it wasn't the darkness it was that in light I could 'convince' myself that I was alone, but in darkness I could not. Later on through the use of a friend I learned that thats where the demons would.. inhabit. I'm the religious type as is my friend so this would be weird for you and others, but he said something like we have a gaurdian and demonic angel.. the demonics hung out there. Ever since I alerted my mom she put up one of her Jesus pictures down there.. something about it makes the room feel a lot nicer. But thats not all that's down there.
There was a point in time (again when the laundry room freaked me out beyond belief and I knew something(s) was watching my every move. Being scared (but my addiction to caffiene being greater.. hah) I'd go to the fridge but I had to do something.. something to get my mind off of the creepy feeling that scared me so much. I started making jokes, Cheesy but jokes and soon I would make a fool of myself. I always tell myself these moments are going to be replayed at the gates of heaven when I die, "Hey joe remember this one? HAH!".. yeah that'll be a fun initiation. After a while things got calmer and I realized what I had been feeling. Its weird because one last thing is that for some reason when things get really spiritual like this (ghostly//spiritually, same difference in my mind).. things just make sense. The feelings, the chills, the actions of spirits... I can make sense of.. even to the point of seeing the answer to it all in my mind visually. Its neat but something you cannot test.. if its a fake truth... how can I give a true answer? Anyways back to the story, what I then learned was that there were four demons there, but unlike the big bad demonic things most speak of, they were immature.. like us when we're 15... which probably helps explained why they liked me making such a fool of msyelf. Eventually I'd just go down and say , "Hey, how's it going?" grab my soda and walk off. Again to the skeptic, "you just comforted yourself," but then there's that empathic part.. I'd get a "Hi" right back.. in that 'saying hello to your friend between classes in highschool' kinda way. It was weird because the more respect I gave them as beings.. the same I got back. I wasn't feared like before. Though I do remember a time I saw something that made me think of a fear of spiders.. then saw a most vivid picture of them in my mind, then the emotion of laughter, lots of laughter. "Thats not funny guys..." and then ".. yeah ok a bit, but please don't" Its weird it became a friendship.. one I never though possible. Then one day all of them just disappeared. I have no clue where they are I hope its for better than for worse. I hope they saw the light and that I'll see them when I pass. Thats when a big bad grumpy was in the place of'em.. He wasn't very smart, but he tried to act big and bad.. worked until I realize to use my brain. Is there still a spirit down there? I think so but I haven't got a clue as to who, but that I just do my best to respect them like any one you might see, just a friendly gesture.

But yeah so I learned to accept the feeling of spirits around me and they have become everyday things (Heck I think I even discount them as "paranormal" now.. which might explain why I feel like I've had a lapse in paranormal things). I just nod and acknoweldge.

As I think about experiences.. I rarely have seen much.. with my eyes at least. Once at a summer job I saw someone walk past two aisles and then about 10 seconds later they *actually* walked past those two aisles, thats a weird one I don't get.

Same place, but with the mind's eye I once saw a little boy.. I'd say about the age of 3.. watching me. He was behind me just watching me. It wasn't fear or anger, but I'm not sure its like a mix of curiousity and awe.. or something. I'm not sure why he was watching me but he really enjoyed it. Too many ways to interperet it.

I've always been curious about going to a graveyard or a haunted house but I'm really iffy about them. My experiences have always been natural.. I never really sought them out. Ok I have, but not in the sense of going to a haunted house just to feel the spirits around me. And then if I do what's my reason for it? I wouldn't be going to take pictures or for that 'want to be scared' thing. I wouldn't be a skeptic. I guess I'd go to be that one believer that doesn't require photographic proof to just say hello. Actually thats a kind of nice way of looking at it. Kind of like someone bowing to you amongst a bunch of grave robbers. The organization here does all the photos and stuff, which is why I say "grave robbers" they seem to be looking for that proof, I just want to be nice and say Hi.
Welcome to the club! Not that I'm in the club. And there really isn'a a club in the first place. But if there was a club and if I was in it, I would definitely welcome you to it.
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