I'm especially sensitive to this, because I hate kids. I find them insanely annoying to begin with.
My steps for dealing with this:
1. Get a hold of manager. Tell them the kids are being obnoxious and seriously bothering you.
2. If it persists despite an honest attempt, I leave. If the manager tries to blow me off with some sort of "they're just kids" bullshit (which I get a LOT), I inform them that _I_ can yell much, MUCH louder than the kids can, and if he/she (the manager) doesn't get them to shut up, i'm going to yell at the little shits until they cry and then yell at the parents for being irresponsible assholes and raising their kids up as bastards.
Nothing says motivation like hitting them in the pocket. You think a parent will return to a restuarant where their little kid got yelled at and called a "stupid fucking brat who should die a horrible, painful death at the hands of strangers"? (my fave line- I've only used it once, but the mom damn near fainted... ah, memories...)