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Old 11-24-2005, 01:45 PM   #2 (permalink)
Location: Currently Canada. I have been in Norway in the last two years, and in Hong Kong before Norway.
When I meet up with my high school friends back home, one of us would end up bringing this up:

During the early days of our high school, we were a naughty class and we had a math teacher who has no common sense at all.

So once, in September I believe, someone suddenly shouted, 'Mr. [name], it's raining like hell outside!' (It was NOT raining apparently, we all knew it.)

And he stopped explaining that random math equation and looked.

[Laughter] [Mr. teacher got very embarassed]

5 minutes later, some other guy tried the same trick, this time saying, 'OMG I don't believe it, it's hailing outside!' (remember, it was September and I was still studying in Hong Kong at that time)

And, of course, Mr. [name] looked and there was, apparently nothing but a clear sky. This time he said, 'now kids, you can try that a thousand more times but I swear I won't be tricked ever again.'

So the trick was stopped temporarily, until 10 more minutes later...


[whole class 'wow's or 'omg!'s.]

[Mr. teacher stops in midst of another proof, slowly turns his head towards the windows with a surprised look and...]

[more laughter]

it's not really funny when you don't know the teacher too well. Then again, this story is always, always priceless after a few beers.

Oh the young, naïve days...
-Imagine how beautiful the world would be if we could only do things for the first-and-last time. Imagine this is the last time you would ever be able to imagine. Imagine that.

-Die Lust der Zerstörung ist gleichzeitig eine schaffende Lust.

-...and god said
and there was light...
leftyderek is offline  

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