Saw it last night on IMAX (which was very cool). Having not read the books, it did seem like some of the scenes/situations were a bit rushed. (Quiddich World Cup scene, Ron's 'Anti- Harry' time, the Graveyard scene, etc).
One of the things that really struck me about this particular installment, was the overall weakening of the female characters. This seems really odd since JK Rowling is. of course, female. For example, Hermione, who was a very strongcharacter in the previous 3, was reduced to a hand-wringing, blubbering "extra". It seemed like her only real role in this episode was that "she cleans up real nice".
Then there's Fleur Delacour. She's supposed to be the "best of the best" of an all-girls school, and the only female champion. So instead of being a badass Lara Croft/Sydney Bristow type character, she's a total wimp who can't even finish the second task (causing her sister to be rescued by "the big strong man"). And then she's the first to go down in the 3rd task, and needs to be rescued.
Like I said, it just seems curious for a female author to suddenly reduce her female characters to weak "love interests".
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