A normal day while on reserve lately has been:
Whenever I wake up
Make food
Check email, surf web, etc.
Pound my head against the wall trying to come up with stuff to do
Drink 3 cups in coffee in an hour, start shaking
Go to gym
Come up with dinner and cook
Go out with friends
On a day where I actually work
Get called at 5am or wake up even earlier to fly
Wake up to wake up +1 hr: Shower, eat, coffee
Wake up +1 hr: Drive to the airport, curse early business travel
45 minutes before flight: Show up at gate, receive odd looks from people wondering who this kid is. Do all preflight stuff, get ready to go
Rest of the day till whenever: Up and down and up and down and etc.
After final landing: Call hotel as soon as we leave the plane.
Landing +45 minutes: Call the rest of the crew and find some dinner. Haven't had a break since this morning.
In bed 9 hours before the next morning's show time.