That's obviously just throwing authority without reason. If one of my kids wants to go somewhere and they have it worked out, I don't argue the plans with BISS. I tell them, "I have no reason why not."
But, I do lean toward my father's doctrine when, as a teen, I said what a lousy democracy our home was: "This isn't a democracy, it's a dictatorship and guess who's in charge?"
All our lives, we will have to do things we don't want to do, but are demanded of us, whether through work, at home, whatever. It seems quite interesting that those who had the hardest time with parental authority as children are also, as adults now, many times have the most difficulty with the authority of work and the demands that just mere living places on them.
This, I think, is more a reflection on how that parental authority was meted out. Extremes either way don't do anyone any good.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.