gucci I really don't think you could have said it any better. I agree completely. There are those of us who believe that authority is earned through merit, and that everything, from power to knowledge, should be questioned. If you've failed to establish your authority by demonstrating you deserve it, then you don't get it. It's always been my fucking body and my mind, and I've will do what I want with it. Establishing that you have authority by showing me that you work 8 hours a day just so that I can enjoy my sucker.. thats legitimate authority. Veiling it in a threat of kicking me out.. that's bullshit.
I'm suddenly understanding why so many people lack critical thinking skills. Their shitty parents indoctrinated them early that asking questions when someone tells you to do something is evil. Yea, well I'll never subscribe to that belief, thank you.
And no, I don't mean to imply that those of you who do use BISS are shitty parents or any of the former, .. and as a matter of fact I think Charlatan's method is the most mature.
However, this thread makes me incredibly angry, espcially "Why should BISS not be a good enough answer?"
To me, we're talking in optimality. What's the BEST parenting method? Not BISS. Sucking at communcation is not a valid reason for BISS -- if you really mean
"Because that is how I want it done" or very similarly, "Because I decided that is how it is."
Then say it. Vagueness never helped anyone.