Sure there is an advantage.. Two different cable ISP's I have been with since going with cable charged $10 a month rental fee for use of their modems. I paid less than $60 for mine, and it paid for itself in less than 6 months.
But, if your ISP only charges you $2 a month, it would be a matter of preference as to whether you wanted to use your own modem or not.
As for compatibility issues, they can easily be avoided by picking up the phone (or looking on their website) and asking your ISP for a list of compatible modems BEFORE buying one....It sure beats buying one and THEN finding out your ISP doesn't support that particular modem.
I have had my modem for a year and a half, and it runs fine, and I am saving $10 a month for every month it continues to work.
...A Bad Day of Fishing is Better Than a Great Day at Work!