Man I'm a gamer at heart and anything that improves the industry is definitely in my best interests. This guy sure has a lot of BAD arguments, though.
And yet, did anyone stop being impressed by Doom III long enough to notice he and the other bad guys were flailing at us with the same straight-line Ulysses S. Grant calvary charge that failed them twelve years ago in Doom 1? Even Far Cry had bad guys that went into spinning seizures when they got confused.
really doesn't sound like this guy has tried to program AI or even studied game theory very much. There's entire research fields devoted to the study of games and their overall "funativity". One of the more important discussions is precisely this. It's actually EASIER to develop ungodly AI than stupid AI. Give the NPC's knowledge of everything.. every entity, it's viewport, its movement, its size, etc. They'll never miss, because they have 100% perfect aim. Anyone who has played against expert Counter-Strike bots has seen this.. they know where you are long before you even know they exist, and they one shot-kill every time. As soon as you start to do REALISTIC AI, you have to start calculating what it should know when, how accurate it should be, etc.. etc.. Furthermore, you ALWAYS want AI to be "challenging, but beatable." Otherwise, no one would play. Remember, people play games to have fun, and part of having fun is winning at least SOME of the time. Introduce other game design concepts like convexities, and you can interest the gamer even more.
Chances of that happening...
Almost zero. One, there's more and more focus on multiplayer for this sort of game. This takes some of the pressure off programmers because in multiplayer, other humans supply their own A.I. Even the ones who are complete morons.
EXACTLY. I think this is a very important point, and I think it defeats his whole argument. I'd MUCH rather have game developers focus on MULTIPLAYER than Artificial Intelligence design. Why? Becuase humans are fare more confusing, diverse, and challenging than any computer-generated human can ever be. I rarely play single-player games anymore, because no matter how intelligent the AI is, it doesn't compare to a well-trained and practiced human.
2. Give us a genre of game we've never seen before. Something that's not an FPS or an RPG or Madden NFL or...
This one is just entirely silly.. there are clearly defined sets of genres, and there are games for all of them. The fact that they're not available on the new consoles is a twofold nonpoint: these games are still under development, as not every game releases with the console. Furthermore, popular games are determined by the MARKET. I don't think I'd be that interested in playing the "spy game" he's talking about. And I tell you what -- the hundreds of marketing and game-interests surveys that major producers do every year tell a different story about what people in general think is a good game. If these small genres he described were popular, there would be more games developed for them. Look at Katamari Damacy, for example.
Where's the game where we get to play as Dr. House and diagnose mysterious illnesses while crushing the patient's spirit with cruel insults? Where's the game where we're a pre-op transsexual where the object of the game is to gather enough money to complete the operation?
WTF? I'll take my car-stealing, cop killing, prostitute smashing gang member game over that ANY day.
..and almost a quarter are over age 50
And I call BULLSHIT on this statistic. I've seen tons of demographic studies in my Game Design classes, and none of them even come near his overzealous approximation. Without a source, this is like saying that 3/4 of all statistics are made up.
How, in 2005, can there still be gamers taken in by EXCLUSIVE SCREENSHOTS of games that are obviously taken from cutscenes and have NO connection with what the actual game will look like?
This point is spot on, and I'll leave it. However, he shot himself in the foot later with..
How, in 2005, can there still be gamers taken in by EXCLUSIVE SCREENSHOTS of games that are obviously taken from cutscenes and have NO connection with what the actual game will look like?
He's obviously never studied advertising or marketing. People don't want teeny little pictures of what's going on in the game. That's what the BACK of the box is for. The front has to catch your eye and trigger a name-response. "Hey, I recognize that eye.. that's PERFECT DARK!" *flips box over*.. "Oh whoa, it looks neat.." My own personal first law of advertising is that you have got to grab their attention immediately, and game-scenes cropped to a 5 x 6 or smaller size to fit the front of a DVD/CD box isn't going to cut it.
We're not for speeding the moral degradation of the modern world, but imagine a Hollywood where only PG-13 movies could get made. Say goodbye to everything from Shindler's List to The Matrix.
This argument doesn't even follow. Having strict game rating systems does not prevent any type of game from being created. It only ensures a game is correctly labelled based on its' content. It doesn't *PREVENT* anything above PG-13 from being made, it just makes it less likely to be produced. Just like movies, there is LESS of a market for hardcore adult games, and so market forces drive this, not game design companies or ratings administrations. The "emotional plea" at the end to make you feel this is worthless, because having an AO rating has nothing to do with banning movies above PG-13.
Developers will be shocked one day when they notice that the world is full of women. It's true! More than half of your potential customer base are penisless. They have money. They like doing fun things. And yet, how do you think they feel when they play a game where the heroine looks like this:
Solid point. Nothing to say here.
There is not one single reason in the known universe for even one more game where the save point is ten motherfucking minutes away from the boss,
This argument, again, reeks of no education into true game design. This is part of a "convexity" of difficulty. "Save-anywhere" savegames make the game MUCH easier than it could be otherwise. Imagine, if you will, that you can save at any given microsecond of the game. You know that a hard boss is coming up, so you save every second into the battle until you make a bad move. You just restore the save from a second ago, and try again until you get it right. This defeats the entire challenge of the boss, as you can break it down into scripted "one button combos" instead of the seven-move combo toss that you were supposed to be able to use. The further apart you make the saves, the more challenging you can make a game. This, coming from the guy who wanted more challenge in his games. Obviously, this has to be tempered with realism (two saves throughout the entire game), but making MORE savepoints just dices an otherwise enthralling, challenging game into "who can restore saves more quickly.."
How in the name of Islamic Fonzie did we ever let games get away with "Loading..." screens? The Gamecube doesn't have those, not on the games made by Nintendo. Hell, the 8-bit NES didn't have load screens 20 years ago. Our favorite TV shows don't load. DVD movies don't load between scenes. The animals at the zoo don't load.
This is absolutely garbage, and reeks to me AGAIN of an uneducated bafoon. Show me ANY modern hardware that can dynamically create and store game entities without any preloading, and I'll be amazed. When you're dealing with hundreds of megs of sprites, meshes, animations, AI every second, you need to have some of it in quickaccess RAM, not stored on some slow-accessing CD-ROM. His "solution" would be to make video games like a buffering WMV. Ever tried to buffer an WMV over the internet on 56k? It doesn't really preload anything, and tries to load as it plays. What this results in is a bandwidth chokepoint.. you watch about 6 seconds of the movie and then it stutters and tries to buffer some more. If you let the movie buffer BEFORE you watch it, it's decidely smooth and uninterrupted. I'd much rather wait 30 seconds for a load screen than have to watch my game stutter for 5 seconds everytime it needs to reload some entities.
won't play the same Madden commentary sound files on every fifth play.
Does he want speed or quality? This man just can't decide. Especially if you somehow expect the game to not load ANYTHING, you're not going to get quality sound assets. The more of these "different" sound clip assets that you add to a game like Madden, the bigger the game and the more you need to preload to ensure continuity. The re-used soundclips are annoying, sure.. but programming dynamic ones? ENORMOUS in complexity and resources. Until we master real-time sound generation from text (with something other than a robotic voice) this is a pipe dream. We have to stick with pre-generated audio, just as we stick with pre-animated graphics.
This should only get better, unless, as I suspect, the game makers secretly hate us.
Emotional appeal, nothing to see here. He knows its as false as it can get, but he's got to garner your support for the next one.
Let's rid games of all arbitrary barriers.
I hate running into invisible walls as much as the next guy, but this is what we call an infinite decision tree. Unless you limit the choices the players have, your decisions become infinite, and so too does your gaming budget.
To illustrate.
Player can go either A or B
From A or B, player can go to C or D / E or F.
It keeps going and diverging until you have 50 seperate paths to follow. To quote our author, "How in the name of Islamic Fonzie" do you expect that to be programmed? You have to converge those decision trees back into smaller amounts of choices if you ever want the game to be finished. That's why you have to have artificial barriers, son.
Superimposing shit on the screen. And by "shit" we mean "words." Fatal Frame 2 was one of the most awesomely atmospheric games ever made... until you took a snapshot of the second ghost and the words "CORE SHOT: 396pts!" popped up. Spooooooky!
I can follow this argument in RPGs. You really don't need to know the name of the enemy, although I think that it adds to the immersion level, personally. "Ohh I got killed by a Rock Golem.." not "Ohh I just got killed by that rock thing with the big arm.."
However, taking away "superimposed shit" in a FPS? No HUD? No Player names? I think that would make for one of the most confusing games you could play.
Arbitrary triggers in RPG's. Why isn't the Dark Elf waiting at the Black Temple like he said? Because I haven't talked to every fucking person in town yet. Can we at least write in some kind of actual cause and effect here that might make some kind of actual sense to me? Because I don't get any sense of reward or accomplishment by randomly activating subroutines via mind-numbing repetition.
This is a very solid argument -- could have been taken directly out of a Game Studies textbook. Cause and effect is a VERY important concept in game design, and any time that the world doesn't appear to act in the way a player believes it realistically should, its going to be frustrating. Having a person not be where they say they're going to be is frustrating in real life, we don't need it in our games.
Ammo starvation. I'm looking at you, Resident Evil for the Gamecube. I have a gun. LET ME USE IT. Don't pretend your game is "challenging" because you only give me four bullets to kill eight zombie dogs with.
This is realism. How many people do you know that can carry around an ak47 and 900 rounds for it? I'm sorry if you find ammo limits restricting, but it makes AIMING more important than SPRAY N PRAY. Good thing? Yes.
Confusing, mapless floor plans. Did you remember when you were a kid and you got bored on weekends, how you would go to a large building, a hotel or a hospital, then wander around for several hours looking for a certain room? While zombies attacked you? Neither do we. That's because, much to the surprise of FPS game makers everywhere, wandering around lost in hallways isn't fun.
ABSOLUTE contradiction of his point earlier. Remove all artificial boundaries? I think not, you'd be lost in the metaphorical hotel. You have to limit the player's movement, or you end up in situations like this. If you limit the player's movement, you have to do it with artifical boundaries. One or the other.
This brings back horrible memories of a Goldeneye level where if you tripped an alarm, an infinite number of bad guys poured forth.
This, again, is realism. If you felt like you could trip an alarm and still live, what's the point of avoiding the alarm? If I were truly a super-secret international spy in a building loaded with alarms, I wouldn't want to set one off, no matter how many bad guys game forth. Odds are, however, that they'd easily outnumber me because they're armed to the teeth and know where I am. Perhaps infinitely many enemies is not the solution, but you must certainly make the reward for NOT tripping the alarm far better than the reward for tripping the alarm.
Unnecessarily difficult end levels. I've worked for 50 hours to get to this point in the game. Don't make me watch the "Loading..." screen and then the fucking climactic cutscene 75 times, once for each attempt to beat the last boss. And don't make the method of attack so fucking obscure and specific that nothing short of a trip to GameFaqs will get me through it. Talk about killing immersion
This sounds like he wants cookie cutter games that he can beat in 5 minutes. Sure, it was frustrating trying to figure out the Up down left right left right A B A A B move, but wasn't it rewarding when you figured it out? I'll deign that the argument about having to watch a cut scene repeatedly is obnoxious, but certainly lowering the difficulty of a game so that you can beat it without being challenged is NOT a good thing in the face of good game design.
What law says I have to start out the game with none of the fun shit promised on the box art? Again, is this not just a cheap way of extending the life of the game? In FPS games built entirely on the anticipation of using gigantic, phallic-symbol weapons, why not start me out with a damned machine gun and 200 rounds of ammo and go up from there?
Racing games pull this, too. Why do I have to spend 40 hours driving a minivan just to get enough money to buy a Honda Civic? Why can't I have access to all of the content right away? What if I don't feel any satisfaction in "unlocking" the game features I already paid real-life money for and just want to fucking race the Ferrari on the box art!
If you're so concerned that you're not getting the Ferrari, save your money for a real damn one. For the rest of us GAMERS, EARNING the Ferrari gives us a sense of accomplishment, and driving it is that much more orgasmic after driving the shitty car with the slow transmission and horrid steering. If you've ever cheated and gotten the awesome car from the beginning of the game, it's FAR less satisifying.
15. Stop the Short-Sighted Business Bullshit
No disagreements here, as a self-proclaimed internet revolutionary, copyright and patent law are the truest spawn of satan.
16. Don't use the online capability as an excuse to release broken games
Excellent point. We saw this with the release of Battlefield 2 -- it was far less tested than it should have been before release, and they've realized that now. Being able to test the game AFTER you release it is no excuse for having poor QA test cycles.
18. Don't use online play as an excuse to bleed us dry
Man -- you just bemoaned the inability to jump over the stuff in your rant about artificial barriers. Make up your mind. I personally don't like jumping puzzles, but if you give the player the ability to jump, why not use it?
20. Horizontal consoles have been a curse for as long as gaming has been around. I'm not playing another game until I get a machine I can stand on its side. My entertainment center only has three inches of free space and flat consoles are the backstabbing Judas in my life.
Waa waa waa.. one final gripe for an uneducated baffoon who managed to pull 5 or so solid arguments out of 20 "gripes" in his so-called manifesto. This man is certainly not the new headstone of game improvement. Let someone with a real education do that, please.