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Old 11-23-2005, 07:15 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ustwo
...For me, Canada gets what it deserves, its socialist experiment has started to fail and I will laugh at them when it does in slapstick humor fashion, pat them on the figerative back when they get back on their feet, and continue to love them.
Interesting how when certain words are put together, emotion can be triggered.

Spoiler: My first reaction was a curtain of rage blinding my view of the computer monitor. Such arrogance, such hipocracy. "And continue to love them..." Words like that show no love. The next emotion was embarassment, that someone could spin me like that. Finally, I regained composure and realized that the same view applies to our neighbour to the south. Their experiment is not in good shape, IMHO, and when pots and kettles start debating the colour differences in charcoal and soot, things go badly. I would lose self respect in responding to that attack on my nations values. Instead, I leave it to you, the reader who has taken the time in reading this reply, to understand that words like the ones I have quoted above can have a profound effect on the reader. Please be careful what you write.

I am of the view that a Canadian citizen should be allowed to bring any religious article they want into a ceremony to make the solemn event personally meaningful to them. I have never heard of live chickens being used in an oath, but I think that would be cool. Our First Nations people often use Sweetgrass and tobacco, and I thought that was memorable.

I am going to have to agree with others on this one. This is a non-event.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.
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