Hahaha, seriously, I was shocked to find Ridley Scott could direct such a turd.
Originally Posted by Ace_O_Spades
That's interesting, because I'm seeing a girl who is going on to do her masters in music composition and she found it a spellbinding score.
Oh I'm sure it's technically very sound, as I'm sure Santana's guitar wankery is technically sound. Unfortunately, both sound like shit to me. Uninspired, boring shit. I should add that I don't mean any disrespect in regard to your girl's opinion, but music is such a subjective thing, and doing a masters in composition may...well let's just say that it all comes down to the question of whether or not it sounds good, and having a masters in music composition doesn't add any weight to one's opinion regarding this; perhaps if we were dicussing the merits of Beethoven in opposition to say, Mozart...