Routines are evil!
Do you ever find yourself getting into a daily routine, going to work at the same time every day, going home at the same time. Watching television or reading a book till supper, eating, watching some more tv, go to sleep - repeat...
I've found that I've gotten into a big rut lately. So, I think I'm going to start trying to do different things every day, maybe wake up early some days and go sit at a coffee house before work for a half hour, or go jogging. Maybe I'll go for a walk some days and read at the park for a bit, etc...
All I know is it just seems like time is flying by, and all I do is worship my job and have basically nothing going on in my life. I feel like I am trapped by it in some ways, and really wish it was possible to take a month off and travel to Thailand or do something real for a bit...
Anyways, if ya'll feel the same way about getting stuck in routines, feel free to share some thoughts about it too..