I swore when I was 5 that I'd never say that to my kids. I still plan on keeping that promise. I want my daughter to seek out reason behind action, as it is often a window into the thought process of other people. If you understand someone else's thought process, you know what to expect from them in the future and act accordingly. If I don't want my daughter riding a motorcycle (when she's older), I'll tell her it's because one of my best friends died in a motorcycle accedent involveing no one but himself, and he was one of the best riders I knew. I know that they're dangerous, and I can prove it to my daughter. Simply saying 'because I said do' not only doesn't explain why I am saying what I'm saying, it takes all the reason out of my demand. It's begging for a fight, and it promotes the idea that I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.