Originally Posted by sapiens
Do all expressions of belief different from Christianity qualify as examples of Christianity under attack?
Yes when done so publicly, and purposfully as this was done.
Note I speak nothing of the justification of the attack, only that it was an attack. I think it was stupid grandstanding to not swear on the bible, as an exchristian and atheist I would without hesitation, and I would take my oath seriously as well. There is something to be said for tradition, especially harmless ones (or does the bible burn her fingers or make her feel unclean?). An attack can be truthful, it can be justified, it can be as simple as not swearing on a bible, but it is still an attack on both Christianity and the traditions of Canada.
For me, Canada gets what it deserves, its socialist experiment has started to fail and I will laugh at them when it does in slapstick humor fashion, pat them on the figerative back when they get back on their feet, and continue to love them.