Originally Posted by filtherton
When someone posts their ass into a corner, they simply cease posting in that thread.
I can state that I have never 'surrendered' in a thread, but I have stopped posting in threads where someone may have thought that was the case.
There are simply not enough hours in my day to give every thread my full attention, and every response its due. There are a few reasons I will just ingore a thread.
#1 I just want to say my bit and be done with it. Some topics are done to death and there is no point having the same argument over and over. This is the most common reason really. I learned long before TFP, if I don't read it I won't feel the need to respond, so I can have my point, they can have their counter point and thats fine, I am not diminished.
#2 Some posters I just avoid reading. I find I only respond to them when I read others posts where they are quoted and nothing good ever comes of it. Since their insults often target me, and are not often read by most moderators, I just ignore.
#3 Sometimes its obvious there can be no common ground for debate. If you take a stance George Bush = Hitler or something on those lines there isn't much point in explaining why he isn't or why some policy is good.
This is why I'll really focus on one persons responses, and if they stop posting, so will I, plus there is no law against giving someone the last word. Often times these 'debates' become more like to kids in the back seat of a car, trying to say the last thing before mom or dad yells at them to shut up.