I have to wonder if a real debate would even catch anyone's attention. The reason we have such heated, partison, antagonistic debates is because no one listens if you aren't loud and opinionated anymore. How well would any of the famous political comentators in the US do if they were anywhere near the middle of the road? No one would listen. Politics are boring (to most). Some may be asking what could change this? Well, a few years ago I would have responded, "Wait for the next big political problem that actually effects the lives of every American, then we'll see real debates." Of course, I'd be wrong. Many people who are directly effected by political changes, such as taxes or foreign policies effecting military families, still sit at home watching CSI, Orange County drinking their Budwiser Selects (which suck, btw). To be honest, the only way we'll see real debates in this country is if there is a revolutionary movement within politics to kick out the corrupt (for the time being, you can't keep corruption out of politics for long) and try to fill the systems with idological people willing to actually be politicians with the best interest of all people in mind, not just constituants. Of course, that's just the average person. The average person on TFP is a step above the average person, in my mind. I think that we do have the potential, as Tecoyah said, to rise above this. I myslef am very guilty of partison debating, but I also know that I am capable of having a very open mind (see my stuff in Paranoia, hehe). Just like me, most if not all who post and read TFP Politics are capable of great debates. We all have open minds to some degree, and that can be used to find the best soultion, not just the one that supports our points. I've been wrong before. You've been wrong before. You know what? That's okay. Better to be corrected for being wrong that to continue on assuming you're always right.