My daughter is 2 and she can sit through an hour long church service without making a sound. And this is with purely positive reinforcement! These are lazy, snobish parents who think that they run the world. Well, this resturant is a safe haven for those who don't like the shreiks and sounds of uncontroled kids. Shame on those parents for not knowing how to parent.
/get's off soapbox
As proud as I am of my daughter, I know that it is 100% natural for kids to act up, espically in a place as boring as a resturant. They DO bother other people, and disturb the general mood. Little kids don't belong at nice resturants or cafes. Take them to a kids eatery if you want to eat out. Chucky Cheese, despite having the worst pizza in history, loves to have kids and has plenty to keep them occupied.