Add me to the pile of people that get nervous when the thread resides in "Tilted Politics"; I think that there are people that take comfort in having something to discuss, whether it be politics or the weather. I like humour, personally, and will bring out a joke instead of what is on C-SPAN. Even though it is communication we are seeking, a wise man told me to stay away from discussing religion and politics. I have, and it has been a good course to steer, IMHO.
I change my mind often, on the little things. I have been known to change my mind on the BIG things from time to time. Wasn't there a thread asking what the similarities were between Republicans and Democrats? I don't remember (and am too lazy to search) but if I remember correcly, there was some good discussion there.
I love discussion. It makes me feel like I am part of something larger. When someone takes away something I said and tells me later "Thank you, BigBen, that statement you made was profound" I am truly a happy person. I like debate as well, but only when the rules are followed, forward progress is being made, and the debaters are masterful. (get it?)
It is horrible to see some of the monkeys fling their own poo. That is the best analogy I can make when I see the political posturing about the (insert current administration here) and the (insert sound byte here). Nothing productive occurs. People hold up an argument and wait for the other side to poke holes in it. If it survives with very few holes, it is then revered as a FOUNDATION argument that can be pulled out, again and again when a different argument (with totally different points) is losing.
Ratbastid, you have shown true character in wanting something more than rhetoric regurgitated. I applaud your intentions, and stand beside you in your search for something better. Of course, there is no surprise in your actions. I have come to expect nothing but the best from you.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.